A killer night out with all the extras

By Dylis Jones
Dinner, wine, good company, a couple of murders thrown in, and you have the perfect formula for an evening out in Casco Viejo, plus the opportunity to help solve the crimes.
A three night Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre performance of Last Call at Chez Mort is the latest offering of the CanadaPLUS Club for members and friends who will return to the elegant ballroom of the Magnolia Inn in Casco for the audience participatory performance.
The show will be directed by Gerry Roy, who at one time owned his own theatre in Montreal and has acted and directed professionally The producer is Lourdes Quijada who is well known for her role in staging last year’s Carols by Candlelight event which attracted 2,000 people to Plaza de Francia.
When the play gets rolling and the police arrive to solve the crimes, you will get your chance to help the investigator, who knows you may find that the killer is that nice gentleman or lady sitting next to you.
Each of the three evening performances, running from September 17-19 will offer a different menu. On the opening night the menu will be Florentine Sea Bass, wild rice and salad with mustard vinaigrette, followed by a dessert.
On Tuesday September 18, pork chop stuffed with prunes and apple will be served with curried rice with raisins and cashews and Caesar salad. Dessert follows the first act.
Diners for the final performance will get chicken breast cordon bleu, pilaf rice mixed salad and dessert.
Each meal will be accompanied by two glasses of red or white wine.
Attendance is by reservation only, and tickets are $35 for members and $40 for guests. In the past the Club has delivered event tickets to those unable to pick them up.
Parking is available near the Inn, which is behind the Cathedral, and on Monday to Wednesday you won’t be faced with a traffic jam in Casco Viejo.
Sounds like a perfect killer night out to me.
For reservations call 6619-6890 or email clubcanadaplus@gmail.com. stating which night you want to attend. Don’t leave it to the last minute as seating for each performance is limited.