Bringing your dreams to life

By Dylis Jones
Dreaming can be a stepping stone to ideas and action, but for most of us dreams remain just that, unless we get a little prod, from inside or out.
This week, for English speaking residents/ comes the opportunity to discover some of the tools to create the life of their dreams at a two day seminar by Dr Krysstine Gubser-Hislop.
She will be presenting her well recognized program, “Creating the life of your dreams” for at the Magnolia Inn in Casco Viejo, Panama on Saturday July 28, and Saturday August 4. Both presentations start at 9 am and ending no later than 6pm.
The seminar will focus on the tools and methods to help you create the life of your dreams.
Dr. Krysstine’s comfortable and heartfelt teaching method quickly involves the audience as she works to unlock the negative forces that are holding you back and show you the pathway to create the life you are looking for.. Dr. Krysstine has he PhD in Natural Health and Wellness and has been sharing her knowledge with individuals, groups and public presentations throughout the United States.
This will be her first group presentation in Panama although has worked with individual clients in Panama who encouraged her to make her skills available to others through a public presentation.
Using Intention Integration™, individual sessions, group classes, and public presentations Dr. Krysstine’s message has been received and many to unlock negative forces and develop creative energies, The cost of the seminar is $199 which will include printed materials. All attendees will be given the opportunity to schedule private sessions with Dr. Krysstine for $75/hour, a 50% savings of her normal hourly fee. You can visit her website at, to sign up for the seminar and receive a free gift from Dr. Krysstine by signing up for her blog Or you can call 6089-5110.