Free land titling battle heats up

A group of fishermen  have demanded  the intervention of the Attorney General  Jpse Ayu Prado in the free titling of land in Juan Hombrón.   

Anabelle Villamonte

While The prosecution has launched an appeal against the decision of Judge Adolfo Mejia, who acquitted Anabelle  Villamonte  former director of the National Land Qualification Authority (Anati) and other officials of the entity, fro their part in giving the free titles to 54 hectares of land two of the companies in possession of the land have announced a legal battle to protect what they obtained.

An investigation by La Prensa shows that the companied belonged to the family of Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu represented by Villamonte who later became director of Anati and is currently facing charges in another  free titling case involving land in Paitilla,

Meanwhile, flyers were being handed out in the streets of Panama city attacking vice president, Juan Carlos Varela, and linking him to the coastal lands scandals

Varela said: "No kind of attack, lie or intimidation by the government is going to silence me …", and pointed out that he was  one of the first to demand  that President Martinelli, return the lands of Juan Hombrón.

"The president wants to divert attention from the serious attacks on democracy …," said Varela.