Teachers rally in support of Education Minister

Panama teachers linked armis in the grounds of the Atlapa Convention Center on Thursday June 21 as rumors spread that Education Minister Lucy Molinar was about to be ousted.


President  Ricardo Martinelli and Lucy Molinar in happier times.

She was the only Minister in cabinet to abstain from supporting President Martinelli’s plans  to create a fifth chamber of the Supreme Court with his own hand picked judges.

 Educators and civil society  groups issued a statement on Thursday afternoon June 1, calling on the president  to  let Molinar retain the education portfolio and “keep working to improve the quality of education for Panamanians.”

The reactions of multiple  teacher groups came as a result of information that circulated on social networks relating to Martinelli firing the Minister. The educators said they  "valued and supported" her achievements in the education system since 2009, and they "unanimously support    Molinar’s  transformation and educational adjustments." 

They also expressed their opposition to the interference of party politics in Panamanian educational system.

 "We call the attention of political leaders to keep education free of the political influence that we see every day in our country," said the statement.