Plans to ease traffic chaos snarled by bad drivers

Panama’s Traffic Operations Director, Jorge Miranda, has promised new measures  to try to ease the city’s growing traffic nightmare but warns that lack of courtesy will mean continuing chaos.

The new measures are as part of the plan "efficient traffic management in Panama City", whose implementation began on April 23.

Since that day, the movement of trucks, tractor-trailer and heavy equipment from the western sector has been restricte specifically at the entrance of Centennial-Arraiján and and the route near the Rod Carew stadium, from 6:00 . to 8:00 a.m.

In the Domingo Diaz area where work is underway   for the expansion to six lanes of this road since Wednesday May 2, an operation is implemented by road closures and lane reversals from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm have been in place since May 2.

Miranda told La Prensa that the new measures will be announced by  The Transit Authority (ATTT in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Works.

Among the most critical areas in terms of vehicular traffic are the intersections of the Calle 50 with the and Via Espana,Transístmica route and thevVia Espana with Federico Boydjunction.

The measures taken are necessary to help drivers who drive in an orderly manner, ‘However,’ he said, when motorists drive wildly, "there is no measure of traffic  control which might help improve the chaos caused by the lack of courtesy.

He repeated earlier admonitions:Do not travel on shoulders and drive at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour in areas where there are detours and  construction work.