Panamanians and Romanians top corruption ladder panel

"When we Italians go abroad we are considered a corrupt people, surpassed only by the Panamanians and the Romanians” was the conclusion of a panel of journalists and political scientists which analyzed allegations of corruption dotting Italy and Panama in the Lavítola case.
In Thursday’s edition of "Piazza Pulita", broadcast on Channel 7 , Mauro Velocci , a key witness for prosecutors in Naples who arrested Valter Lavítola., was interviewed.
Velocci told in detail how a proposed prison or Panama which was worth $150 million ended up with a price of $ 176 million. The difference, $26 million, wouid be a premium to be paid to Martinelli and government officials.
The witness at the hearing illustrated the horrifying history of corruption when working in Panama and how, thanks to Lavítola, all the doors in Panama were opened to get the contract and meet with ministers and senior officials.
Among other things, he gave details of a $60,000 bribe allegedly given, in cash, to the lawyer Francisco Martinelli for his uncle, President Martinelli.
Velocci publicly reaffirmed the contents of many of the statements that formed the basis for prosecutors. During the program there were also comments on the businesses of Finmeccanica and its subsidiaries and AugustaWestland Selex, and the "vulgarity of the nature of corruption" in Panama
For his part, President Martinelli wrote Thursday on his Twitter account that "the star witness of Balbina [Herrera], Mr. Velocci, , used cocaine daily and sought prostitutes. How credible is that? ".