Former civilista calls for presidential statement on bribery scandal

Former civilista Aurelio Barria has called on  President, Ricardo Martinelli, to make  a statement about his and other government officials alleged links to the receipt of bribes. 

He said on Telemetro Report , Thursday April  19: "The President has a responsibility to  the nation and Panama’s international image.”

Barria, a leader of the National Civil Crusade during the dictatorship erea, said that institutions should ask Martinelli to make the commitment to investigate this case "that embroils the country and Panama in  a scandal that must be clarified.

"He who has done nothing should not be afraid." he added. "This [the scandal] is not positive … I believe we must seek the truth," he added.

Barria said that although we accept the presumption of innocence, we should investigate this case as it has sown the perception that something bad  has happened in Panama.