French car maker seeks special concession for island property

An application  for a "special concession" for a plot of land  from a member of the family owning the  SImca car company, has been sitting with the National Authority of Land Management (Anati) since July 2011.

The land is the 141.5 hectare Isla Canales de Tierra renamed Simca, in the, municipality of Bahia Honda,  Veraguas.

The request was made by the Italian-French businessman Jean Pigozzi, who since the late 1990's Has been acquiring large tracts of land in Panama, along with American art dealer Daniel Wolf says La Prensa.

Pigozzi gained local prominence this week following the visit made by the president, Ricardo Martinelli, to  Bahia Honda and the Pixvae, two coastal communities south of Veraguas where there have been land disputes with the locals.

As reported in La Prensa some members of both communities, got a  surprise presidential visitwhich  included the threat of sending to jail those who do not cede their possessory rights to Pigozzi.

The Pigozzi request has had no problems in Anati says La Prensa. On 4 April, the Director of Certification and Regularization, Carlos Dutari, whose predecessor is awaiting trial for illegal land deals, issued an edict that anyone who creates a better title may file an opposition in the next two months.

Pigozzi made the application citing  Article 26 of Law 2 of 2006 which regulates concessions for tourism investment and the sale of island territory for tourist purposes, and allows the concession for 90 years of island,

Since 2003 Pigozzi has  built a marine laboratory research on the island, and then a unique ensemble that includes a house on top of the island.

The island has been renamed  Simca referring to the Pogozzi family car company.