Foreign service musical chairs

Panama’s new consul in Toronto, Canada is the grandson of Governor Mayin Correa.He replaces the Bosco Vallarino, a member of the Panamenista party and son of deposed mayor Bosco Ricardo Vallarino.

Carles Woolford James Ellery, 26 has a degree in international business and marketing at Florida International University

The new consul appointed  March 30 and will take over  the office in Toront from in May, a source told La Prensa.

In Montreal, Quebec,  Giselle Calcagno Burillo, serves as consul. She is the daughter of the minister of the Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises, Giselle Burillo, an official who has another son in the foreign service: Vittorio Calcagno Burillo, Panama’s Consul in Belgium.

Following the breakdown of the political alliance between Vice President, Juan Carlos Varela, Panamenista,  and the president, Ricardo Martinelli of Democratic Change, on August 30, 2011, the country's foreign service has has seen numerous  changes says La Prensa  including  the replacement of  former deputy Luis Carlos Cleghorn, who was ambassador and consul general in Cuba, by Mario Rafael Galvez, brother of the government deputy Sergio Galvez Chello.