Carols by Candlelight returning to Panama

Panama’s first Carols by Candlelight event attracted over 2,000 participants in December 2011, and the organizers are already at work on event expected to increase participation five fold.


The CanadaPLUS Club staged a performance by eight choral groups in Plaza De Francia on December 3, following a format introduced in Australia over 70 years ago in which members of the  audience become participants as they wave lighted candles and join in the singing of carols. The event raised $1000 for the Calicanto Foundation to aid women and children in Casco Viejo.

This year the event will be converted into an all day festival winding up with Carols by Candlelight which the organizers hope will become an annual  celebration in Panama.

Choirs interested in participating  or wanting more details should contact Volunteers willing to participate in organizing the event,  or businesses and organizations wishing to set up stalls should write to marking the subject as “carols”.