No time to waste on destructive criticism and lies Martinelli

Panama’s president, Ricardo Martinelli, has asked his team not waste time answering the “destructive criticism and lies” of the opposition.
The message came in a government press release on Tuesday, March 27. The release carried statements made by Martinelli on Monday, following a tour of the Metro subway tunnel at Albrook. The media were not invited.
"We always said we do not claim to be perfect," said Martinelli who asked his administration to receive constructive criticism humbly and make corrections, "But I also ask, do not waste time responding to the lies and destructive criticism of the opposition, that hurt the country more than the government,
"The people elected us to fight, not to make excuses. We chose to work on your behalf and works like the Panama Metro, prove that we have done very well."
In recent weeks, says La Prensa members of opposition parties and civil society organizations have criticized the Government for a number of initiatives they have intended to carry out, including the drafting of a bill proposing the sale of land in the Colon Free Zone, which is currently leased to users and the announcement that the Government is considering selling the state owned shares in Cable & Wireless.
Critics also questioned the President's handling of the crisis in the Ministry of Public Security, which ended with the transfer of Gustavo Perez director of the National Police to become executive secretary of the State Security Council, and Julio Moltó’s appointment as police director.
Justice Minster Jose Raul Mulino, meanwhile, remained at his post even though he had submitted his irrevocable resignation.
Faced with a barrage of criticism, several ministers were presented to the media to explain the decisions taken by the Government. Minister of Economy and Finance, Frank De Lima, has emphasized the benefits of the Free Zone project, especially that 25% of the proceeds from the sale of land will be invested in the City of Colon.