Panama, a safe haven for criminals of the world

By El Capitano*
HELLS ANGELS in Panama. What a surprise? Only Panamanians seem to be unaware that the Isthmus is seen as a safe haven by criminals from around the planet.
Did you ever wonder why with so many coming here from time to time, there are no gang wars? It’s because Panama is seen as a neutral zone for meetings, safe houses and relaxation, money laundering and a distribution center for drugs. Purveyors of on line pornography even hold an annual conference here.
Like the ad says … Panama the hub of the Americas … not only for travel but for a multitude of activities, not all legal.
When we talk of Hell’s Angel we talk drugs. Where better than Panama for the business transactions and a little vacation under the protection of the cartels (yes they are all here but they keep it neutral).
The Hell’s Angels are so well known in first world countries that an environment in which the people are not aware of their reputation becomes a safe haven for them. But they need the knowledge of the land and the protection of their business partners in order not to be fingered.
Also there is a question of feeling safe from the authorities, like a business man I know … who told me “thank God for incompetence… otherwise we would have to pay bribes through the nose, and we pay enough as it is."
Back scratching is alive and well In Panama. International business courtesy is not only for businessmen, criminals benefit from this. You help me, and I will return the favor.
Crime and corruption is a thriving business and the criminals are adapting to international courtesy in the same way that a deposed dictator becomes the guest of another dictator.
So do not be surprised if you hear more of people like the recently arrested Hells Angels king pin from Montreal, wanted for 22 murders (none in Panama). The less people authority do their homework on international situations and events, the more the criminal elements will hide here in plain sight.
If I were an intergalactic warlord planning to destroy the galaxy, i would probably be planning it from here.
Panama where the garbage never gets picked up, material or human.
The writer is a retired senior police officer (not in Panama) who taught at a respected First World police academy