State lost nearly $2 million in Juan Hombrn land grab

The primary responsibility for the illegal certification of 54 hectares of land in Juan Hombrón, Cocle falls on the former Director of Certification of Land Administration Authority (Anati) Anabelle Villamonte.
The process was carried out in violation of Act 80 of 2009 which regulates the recognition of possession rights on coasts and islands say auditors from the Comptroller General who have conducted a three month investigation, says La Prensa
The auditors highlighted the fact that the strip of land with sea front entitled for free by Villamonte was "inadjudicable", as the mangrove area is protected by law.
THey also identified the "segregation of land to benefit the individuals and corporations who were given land for free. Comptroller officials believe that there was a financial loss to the state of $1,787,362.
The report also linked the incident to a group of officials and former officials of Anati, and those who falsely claimed to own possessory rights.