Report on indigenous protests reveals 15 human rights violations

A report of the clashes between indigenous protestors and riot police in early February, in Chiriqui and Veraguas reveals 15 violations of human rights.

The report prepared by Church representatives a and citizens groups was presented  to Panama'sPublic Ministry on Monday, March 5.

Aressio Valiente, of Citizens Alliance for Justice, said the report reveals a violation of human rights against the people of the Ngäbe Bugle and victims are seeking justice.

At the beginning of February indigenous protestors who oppose mining and hydroelectric development in the region clashed with riot police.  Dozens  were injured and two died. Police authorities denied the use of arms, but at the time La Estrella carried three photos of a police officer drawing and aiming his pistol and calmly replacing it in its holster

Some of the violations revealed in the report, show that people detained were not allowed to call their lawyers.

Other violations were the right to communication as a shut down of cell phone transmission was ordered in Chiriqui and Veraguas and the right to property, since the police entered residences without a search warrant or permission said Valiente.

Finally, he said  that it violated the right to life because two people died as a result of the disturbances.

The spokesman for  the organizations that participated in drafting the report called for  the high-level commission, as set forth in the agreement of San Lorenzo, to analyze the issue and for a transparent  investigation of the facts.