Presidents discretionary fund pays for cousins hospital bill

Over $16,000 was paid from President Ricardo Martinelli’s discretionary-funds for social projects to cover the cost of hospital treatment for his first cousin.
The check for $16,431,036 was made out to the Punta Pacifica Hospital according to the last quarterly report released by the Presidency on its website (, which describes the expenditure, on October 18, 2011 – as a "financial support to cover the cost of medical care for Roberto Dutari. "
Although it is a publicly available report and gives the user the option of clicking the check numbers to see the bills says La Prensa, “in this case it does not identify the medical treatment for Dutari Martinelli and the information displayed does not include the settlement of the Comptroller General of the Republic.
Dutari Martinelli is the father of Alvaro Dutari, consul general (since 2009) of Panama in Houston, USA, According to the Ombudsman Transparency node, the consul gets a basic pay of $4, 000 per month.
In the first half of his term (July 2009 to December 2011) Martinelli has spent $ 19.1 million on discretionary payments. In the last he disbursed more than $ 3 million.
In the two and a half years has been in power, and is approaching the amount spent by their predecessors in five years. On average, each year the PRD president Ernesto Perez Balladares (1994-1999) spent $5 million. His successor, Mireya Moscoso. Panamenista (1999-2004), spent $4.6 million, while Martin Torrijos, PRD, (2004-2009) spent $ 4.4 million. Ricardo Martinelli, when campaigning, promised to cut discretionary items and instead create a fund for emergencies and natural disasters-rises.So far, he has exceededallhispredecessors spending $7.6 a year.
Asked about the charges Astrid Salazar, spokeswoman for the Presidency, said: "The checks are are Higher Office (the President) discretionary item."