Arias funeral got $175,000 hand out from President

President , Ricardo Martinelli, gave$175,462 from his "discretionary" funds for providing flowers and organizing the state funeral of three-time president Arnulfo Arias Madrid.
The revelation came in the latest quarterly report of the Presidency, which covers expenditures made between October and December 2011.
The money paid by the President covered, catering, flowers , the dais, sound and other decorating services.
Asked about the payments former president Mireya Moscoso, widow of Arias Madrid, said that because it was a state funeral, the government made it an official protocol. She said that the Arias Foundation financed the construction of the mausoleum and transportation of mourners, and requested that media does not "attack" on the issue. "They can attack with whatever, but not with Dr. Arias, who gave so much to Panama," she said.
Before the event, which took place on January 6-7, the ex president said that everything would be funded by donations.
In October 2009, just months after coming to power, Ricardo Martinelli, donated expenses of $24,000 for the funeral of former President Guillermo Endara, for $ 24,000, $ 151,000 less than for Arias Madrid.
In statements in the past Martinelli promised to reduce discretionary payments.
In an interview with La Prensa 2007:
"We must reduce to the necessary items, not to pay a fellow party operations, aircraft repair or Pharaonic trips."
In an interview with La Prensa 2008
"You have to make cuts in all unnecessary expenses, such as discretionary funds, funds of the Office of the First Lady, FIS, well … You have to cut those unnecessary luxuries that exist in the government."
"The discretionary items will be reduced and converted into a special fund for emergencies and disasters" A promise included in government planning
The only president who did not disburse discretionary funds since the dictatorship was President Guillermo Endara.
Figures published by La Prensa show :Ernesto Perez Balladares spent $25.3 million,($5 million a year) Mireya Moscoso $23.2 million ($4.6 million a year), Martin Torrillos $22.3 million (4.4 million a year). President Martinelli has spent $19.1 million to date at a rate of $7.5 million a year.