President attacks media for assembly brawl coverage

 President  Ricardo Martinelli has attack the media for its coverage of two days of noisy confrontation, pushing, shoving  and near blows between deputies in the National Assembly.

During a speech at the opening ceremony of the Juvenile Enforcement Center in Pacora, Martinelli  accused against the television media, who he said turned to turned what happened into a "cheeky show".

 Networks interrupted their programming to broadcast footage of the confrontations. Meanwhile he said work as the Center for Child Custody in Pacora was not deemed important

Martinelli who has been fingered in journalistic circles for summoning station owners and editors to the presidential palace, said that soon he will sit and talk with the owners of the media to explain what is happening in the country. He was reacting to events when opposition deputies staged a confrontation in the legislative chamber over  a controversial bill to create a Fifth Judicial Chamber  which opponents believe will ensure the full dominance of the ruling party.

 On Wednesday Martinelli inaugurated a $12 million fulfillment center in Pacora to house 192 youths.