Civil groups and politicians oppose new justice chamber

The creation of a Fifth Chamber  would  give the president  complete control of  the Supreme Court  says the Citizens Alliance for Justice

The alliance, representing a coalition of 10  citizen groups is opposing the approval of  the first reading of Bill 402. They   claim that a Fifth Chamber, rather than seeking the improvement of justice is intended to give control of the Supreme Court to the President of the Republic.

The group criticized the fact that in discussions of  the  project representatives of the associations of lawyers, nor the justice sector entities, much less considered civil society organizations.

The Vice President and President of the Panamenista Party, Juan Carlos Varela denounced the appointment of judges of the Fifth Chamber which would not contribute to the independence of the judiciary, but rather further the intention of the Executive Branch to appoint three judges submissive yo the autocratic regime of President Martinelli, and exacerbate the crisis in the administration of justice to impose the will of the president over the interests of the people.

The vice president promised that if his party won the elections in 2014, it would repealed the Fifth Chamber and make legal and constitutional changes necessary for  the protection of the guarantees exercised by a truly independent constitutional justice system and not as an instrument of pursuit of the ruler.

The opposition Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) rejected as "without consultation" the project approving the Fifth Chamber.

The PRD instructed its  caucus to vote against the bill on second reading.