Paitilla land grab: ex-Director admits improper inspection of documents

Anabelle Villamonte  former director of the National Land Qualifications Authority has admitted  that she did not properly consider records relating to the free transfer of title in the Paitilla  land scandal.

In documents obtained by La Prensa she says in statements made while under investigation, she did not consider  records relating to the estate or insurance, although some date back as far 2003. The 1.3 hectare site, was valued at $40 million

Her excuse was that she worked at Land Registry, which brought the proceedings.

She also recognized that  she did not considere the eviction process of Cesar  Segura in 2005 (which broke the alleged possession of the land), or a refusal to transfer.

 Villamonte, a lawyer, said she  was unaware that the former Land Registry director Benjamin Colamarco had refused in 2005 to gice l an award to Segura and even ordered his eviction.

She , apologized, explaining that at the time Segura had made a request based on a legal form other than the law.

Villamonte also clarified that she never had knowledge that the landfill would be used in the construction of a neighborhood park, as Land Registry was not the competent body to determine that zoning.  Villamonte said she did not know that the lot was land fill. "When  I issued edicts, nobody objected," she said.

She said that Segura "provided all the evidence he had in his power to sustain his possession of the land."

Among those  she cited a receipt from the  National Water Institute   (Idan) with which Segura had a contract  since 2004. "This is proof, we demonstrated the possession of the area."

When asked if she knew the Anati ex-administrador Alejandro Castillero and the legal advisor of the institution Eric Lamboglia, Villamonte said yes, but gave no further details.

Castillero, who was named a diplomat in 2011, has not been called to testify in the case, while Lamboglia is a defendant in the trial for alleged irregularities in the coastal land titling scandal in Juan Hombrón, Cocle, in which Villamonte is also accused..

Also charged  in the transfer of the Paitilla land fill are attorney Francisco Perez Ferrera  and flower seller César Segura. Segura is faces separate charges of manslaugher.

The three defendants have interim measures of country jail.

Segura and Perez Ferreira signed a pledge to return the landfill to the state, a process that was completed on Dec. 20, according to documents registered before the Notary Tenth Circuit.

All are accused of embezzlement and the last two  of forgery.