Casco Viejo dwellers seek answers to Oderbrecht timetable

A MEETING  between residents and merchants of Casco Vijo and met with representatives of Norberto Odebrecht produced few answers but a confirmation that the company will start work on January 16.

The rehabilitations of streets  is scheduled to last 16 months and residents and businesses were seeking information at the Wednesday meeting  on how it would affect people in the area.

 Patrizia Pinzon, representing AVACA (the Neighborhood Association and Friends of Casco Antiguo) said there were questions that has not been answered, and  residents and establishment owners would like to know details of the mitigation plan for the duration of the project,  and a schedule of work to be done with the days and dates. Retailer Diana Dipardo said She had spent over $400 on flyers to promote her business on  First Street in San Felipe, and will face economic losses,  and only found out recently that the work will start in her sector. Representatives of Norberto Odebrecht agreed to coordinate and conduct a meeting with the Ministry of Public Works to make known the details of theproject but reiterated that the work would begin January 16.