Elected mayors and councilors met with tear gas and pepper spray

Panama’s  turbulent political scene took a new turn on Wednesday, Dec 28  when riot police broke up a demonstration of mayors and township representatives with tear gas and pepper spray.

Some 200 mayors and representatives of township, stationed on the Inter-American Highway at La Altura de Divisa were demanding  an equitable distribution of funds from the Social Development Program (Prodesa).

Municipal authorities in several provinces require executive resources to meet community needs. Although the government claims that all community boards receive funding, elected city officials say there is bias towards the ruling party Democratic Change in the distribution of funds.

During the demonstration, mayors and councilors, including Panama’s mayor. Bosco Vallarino, made strong accusations against the actions of the Government for denying support for social action in their jurisdictions.

The protest lasted three hours, closing the four lanes of the American way. No official came to speak with the protesters.

After the crackdown, several mayors and aldermen  recalled the tragic events of Changuinola (July 2010) that left at least two dead, several blind and 700 wounded, and criticized the lack of vision and fairness of government.

Gustavo Perez, director of the National Police defended the crackdown on demonstrators and cited a 2010 law  which makes it a crime to abuse the right of assembly.

Juan Carlos Varela, Panamenista Party president and Mitchell Does general secretary of the Democratic Revolutionary Party,, condemned the repression and demanded the release of funds to municipal authorities.

Meanwhile the confrontation between the founder of La Prensa Panama’s most respected and outspoken newspaper, and President Ricardo Martinelli continued to escalate.