Candles and harmony at Christmas Eve ceremony

By Lourdes Quijada

Worshipers of many faiths were at the Balboa United Church on Christmas Eve to mark the 70th  “candles in the dark” ceremony.

It began in 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor had brought the United States into World War II. Panama was blacked out, but permission was granted by the Canal Zone commanding general to place candles on the lawn in front of the church, following the service.

The G-Harmony quartet

This year, after a participatory service involving young churchgoers and students from  free English classes given by church members, the congregation  was rewarded with an additional Christmas present. While they munched on their  seasonal desserts at the post  service reception they were entertained by the G-Harmony quartet which had wowed the audience at the Carols By Candlelight  event in Plaza De Francia, Casco Viejo, earlier in the month. The evening event was  an enjoyable and warming introduction to the most loved day of the Christian calendar.