New US ambassador for Panama

The US ambassador to  Panama   who has been here a little over a year, will soon be moving on to Nicaragua.

 Phyllis M. Powers, known as an expert on drug trafficking, will be replaced Jonathan Farrar, former head of the US Interest Section in Cuba.President Ricardo Martinelli and Ambassador Phyllis Powers
The newspaper El Nuevo Diario de Nicaragua said on its website that Washington has requested approval for Powers, who joined the diplomatic mission in Panama in September 2010 to replace Barbara Stephenson.

During the early months of her time in Panama WikiLeaks released controversial memorandums  to Washingtion written by Barbara Stevenson during her time in Panama

 She was the only US ambassador to visit the headquarters of the opposition Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD).

Diplomatic sources confirmed that mid-January 2012 is the likely time for the arrival of Farrar.