More unanswered questions in land grab scandal

The Water Resources Authority of Panama (ARAP), that  has under its jurisdiction the coastal resources, including a mandate to protect estuaries and mangroves, maintains a puzzling silence on the free  land titling  scandal of 54 hectares on the coast of Juan Hombrón

The area, in Cocle province, abounds in mangroves which are protected by law. They have been under the care of ARAP since its founding in 2006..

At the head of that institution is Giovanni Lauri who, like former director of the land titling authority Anati  Anabelle Villamonte which upheld the certification process in Juan Hombrón, worked in one of the companies of the family of the Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu says La Prensa

So far, the ARAP has refused to answer questions posed by La Prensa  about the controversial awards.