Government workers forced to change parties to save jobs — deputy

Politicians and government officials have been forced to register as member of the ruling party, Democratic Change (CD), to keep their jobs says Panameñista deputy Jose Luis Varela.
Said Varela: "The inscriptions of the political parties are important internally but do not represent the way people vote in general elections." said varelaon Saturday, November 19.
His comments come in reaction to the latest party membership figures released by the Electoral Tribunal.
In October, there were 302,000 Panameñista party members. In September, 311,811 were registered.
Varela said that followed the breaking of the governing alliance, "because many low-income Panamanians who are staff have had to change their party registration for fear of losing their jobs"
Varela said that the ruling Democratic Change (CD) is forcing elected politicians and elected office to enroll in their ranks ", creating a fictional membership.
During a recent registration drive by the CD there were numerous reports of families being forced to sign up, to ensure the job of one family member.