Boscos plastic villas OKd after early tough talk

The hopes of those who had thought that the plastic villas on the Cinta Costera were about to be relegated to the garbage heap, have been dashed.

On Friday, representatives of Mayor Bosco Vallarino said that the conditions imposed  by the Ministry of Public Works on the annual follies were too onerous.

On Tuesday it took only a phone call from  legislator, and unpaid advisor to the mayor to the Minister Federic Suarez to get permission for the installation of holiday, and not from the previously set date of December  but from from November 10.

The permit  does have some of requirements, among which are:that green areas and electrical installations must be kept in perfect condition and there must be no “villas”  in the area where  work  has already started  on the third phase of the Cinta Costera.

the early deal called for the plastic scenes to be located only on parking lots to save the grass.
According to Blandon,  the amount of the bond against possible damage incurred during  the activity that brings thousand of people tramping on the turf at the beginning of the dry season. In previous years, there has been damage to electrical installations, trees and washroom facilities amounting to scores of thousands of dollar.
Blandon said that the city is willing to pay all costs of damage.


The news rules were set, says Blandon during a meeting between Mitzila Espino, general secretary of the Ministry of Public Works and Services Manager of the  Panama Municipality, Nadgee Bonilla, whoset the rules of use.

BNonilla said that this  year another five “villas”  sponsored by private enterprise will be added to the nine that sat there last year