Legal complaint calls for ousting of Minister of Presidency

A criminal complaint has been filed against  Minister of the Presidency Demetrio Papadimitriu, over alleged irregularities in  land titling  in Juan Hombrón.

The secretary of the Youth Front of opposition Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Felix Moulanier, filed the complaint on  Monday, October 24, for the offense against public administration, following alleged irregularities in the titration of 54 hectares in Juan Hombrón, in  the  province of Cocle. Moulanier also requested the removal from office of Minister because of  information that allegedly linked hjis  parents with the land titling.

The youth leader told La that  it could not be possible to award in six months so many qualifications in that area of the country, when there are many humble Panamanians still waiting for title to their land. "Those responsible for this fact have to pay” he said.

As stated in the complaint, the events occurred when the former director of the National Qualifications Authority of Land Management (Anati), Anabelle Villamonte, "formalized and accelerated titles of the Panamanian State, located in the province of Cocle, 54 hectares in the area of Juan Hombrón, presumably in favor of corporations, involving both she and the Minister of State Jimmy Papadimitriu Demetrio. " Therefore, the complainant  also requested the Supreme Court to order the removal from office Minister Papadimitriu. "The intent with this remedy is to investigate Papadimitriu linking all irregularities committed in the titling  in Juan Hombrón " said Moulanier.