Land titling affair widening daily

The Hombróngate affair over the granting of free titles to 54 hectares of land on Panama’s Cocle coast continues to grow with the list of players expanding daily.

It threatens to become the biggest cause célèbre since the Cemix scandal when a deputy stood up in the National Assembly waving bundles of dollars, which he alleged were part of a massive bribery attempt to win a crucial vote for a construction contract in Colon.Laws govern use of mangrove swamps Like Watergate the players originally named were relative small fry, and like Watergate the story came to light through investigative reporting, this time by Panama’s most respected daily, La Prensa. And, like the other affair the initial research led to bigger names and the land grab has revealed alleged links to the Ministry of the presidency. They have been denied by Minister Demitrio Padadimitriu.
Various sectors of Panamanian society on Thursday called on the Public Prosecutor to start an investigation into the granting of free possessory rights to 54 hectares of shore land in Juan Hombrón.
The grants were authorized by Anabelle Villamonte, former director of the National Qualifications Authority of Land Management (Anati) who resigned under a cloud after she granted free rights to a multi-million dollar patch of land in Paitilla, that had been donated to the state.
"We join the call from Civil society , and even the President of the Republic, to investigate the exposed irregularities.", said a statement from the president of the Panama Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture Panama, Federico Humbert.
Former Attorney General Ana Matilde Gomez said an investigation into the possible commission of crimes against public administration should already have started.
Alvin Weeden a former comptroller-who represents a group that claims to own the land that was signed away, announced he will file a complaint o prevent the land being sold.He said that the grants , must be overridden by the newly appointed director of the Anati, Franklin Oduber.
He considered the call or an investigation made by President Ricardo Martinelli, a show piece.
La Prensa in an attempt to identify the bigger fish in the murky pond on September 29 asked the Deputy Administrator of the Anati, Eladio Ostia, the names of the controlling owners or the ultimate . beneficiaries …", based on Article 11 of Law 80 governing the titling of islands and coasts.
The 54 hectares were assigned to 14 corporations or individuals but says La Prensa it is now known that since 2007, a large part of the lands -42.7 hectares -were sought by a group of investors to make a tourism project for seniors.
Some of the fishermen who sold their rights of possession to corporations via Villamonte had been involved in the earlier sale..
Fishermen were receiving monthly payments through money orders and checks, copies of which should be at the Land Registry records. La Prensa published on Friday a copy of one of the notes.
The notes are signed by Carlos Dutari-who would replace Villamonte in the office of director Anati-Titration, stating that he knew of the purchase request. 
At that time Dutari was the chief of the Legal Department of the former Department of Cadastre and assets of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Dutari told La Prensa he could not comment as an audit way under way. 
Sonia Alvarez, one of a group of entrepreneurs who bought land from the fishermen in 2007, showed documents proving that their proceedings began that year and did not have the same kind of benefit that companies received from Villamonte.
"I have three months of talking with Anabelle Villamonte Anabelle and I was cheating, telling me to fix this," said Alvarez while former officials are accused of appropriating the land, because the maps published by La Prensa show land that was part of a parcel of possessory rights had been bought by the entrepreneur.
"She [Villamonte] told me that the fishermen were to blame for what was going on," Alvarez said, after the former official noted "titled land knowing that there was a case in progress."
Dutari was also blamed for remaining silent about what happened, and was called a close collaborator of Villamonte.
Alvarez saidthat the fishermen, after signing contracts with them, later sold their rights of possession.
Also mentioned in the detailed report is Helen Scott, whose name appears repeatedly in companies involved in Juan Hombrón land, and in companies linked with the Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu. "Scott is a rather large link with the Minister Papadimitriu" said Alvarez.
In the file of the original purchase from the fishermen there are documents detailing ecotourism villas and a residential development for elderly Panamanians and foreigners. 
A soil study done by the Soil and Materials Laboratory of the Regional Center of the Technological University of Panama, Veraguas also sits in the file.
La Prensa asked, the National Environmental Authority (ANAM), via e mail details of theinstitution's participation in the process of certification of an area is a marsh and swamp.
The General Environment Law regulates the titling process on islands and coasts and there is a ban on the use of mangrove lands. Anam had not responded after two days.