KPC cases in Chiriqui jump to 10

The number of people infected with the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase -resistant (KPC), in Chiriqui province, has jumped to 10.

Javier Diaz The Director of Medical Services of the Social Security Fund (CSS) said mental health patients in the Rafael Hernandez Hospital in David are being transferred to another medical facility to make room for surgical patients because of   KPC problems in the surgical unit.  

At a press conference Diaz reported that nationwide there are 79 cases with active KPC infection. Of that number, 47 deaths have been reported in Panama City but  no deaths in Chiriquil.

He said that  Social Security will continue to restrict visits to patients. Family members who are allowed in will have to  use gowns, and gloves.

Rafael Hernandez Hospital  in David is stressing to all users and patients, the importance of constant hand washing with soap and water, or alcoholic gel before entering and after leaving a health facility.