Steve Jobs death nixed Perry Time cover

The death of Steve Jobs continues to make headlines. Here are five of the best stories published by The First Post.
FOUR YEARS' WORTH OF NEW PRODUCTS Before he died, Steve Jobs told colleagues he had left Apple with at least four years' worth of new products. The Times quotes industry insiders who say the next iPhone, due out late 2012 or early 2013, will be a game-changing "legacy device". There is also speculation that Jobs set in motion plans for television – "one of the few media industries that he had yet to transform."
BIOGRAPHY DATE BROUGHT FORWARD Publication of the biography Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson – the first to be written with Jobs's cooperation – has been pulled forward to October 24. A huge increase in pre-orders has sent the book to the top of the Amazon bestseller list. Jobs was notoriously private. Asked why he agreed to do the biography, he told Isaacson: "I wanted my children to know me".
APPLE STORE LOOTED IN ARKANSAS While Apple stores across the world were mobbed by fans of the brand and its creator, one branch was looted. It happened on Wednesday night, shortly after his death was announced, in Little Rock, Arkansas, home town of former President Bill Clinton. Two men smashed the front window and made off with two dozen iPhones, as well as iPads and laptops.
'STOP THE PRESSES' AT TIME MAGAZINE The call to 'Stop the presses' rang out at Time magazine's headquarters for the first time in 20 years. The cover story on Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry was pulled and replaced with a black and white vintage photo of Jobs. It is the eighth time Jobs has appeared on Time's cover.
BLACK TURTLENECK SALES BOOM The clothing company St Croix reports that sales of the black turtleneck shirt Steve Jobs always wore for his new product presentations have doubled, despite the high ticket price of $175. According to TMZ, St Croix now plan to donate $20 to the American Cancer Society on each sale made between now and next Thursday.