More traffic pain for subway gain

The Panama subway construction program has taken another bite out of Avenida Justo Arosemena.
Work on a second underground station on the heavily traveled route began Thursday, October 6, and includes the demolition of a soccer stadium.
The construction work will last approximately 12 months.
on the stretch between Calle 30 by the funeral home and Calle San Jose 32,adjacent to the former HSBC bank building.
The soccer stadium Pandeporteswill be torn down and according to the Secretariat of the Metro, after completion of building the sports facility will be rebuilt. The swimming pool in the area will not be demolished.
Meanwhile, the Transit Authority have produced a diversion plan. Drivers should use the path to the street across from the old Mercedes Benz company, take Avenida Mexico and return to Justo Arosemena for Calle 33
Calle 31E and 32E are closed and can be accessed only by pedestrians and drivers who work or live in the area.
When you return to Justo Arosemena you will meet a further diversion behind the National Hospital as work progresses on the Santo Tomas subway station.