Supreme Court president speaks out on lack of judicial ethics

With just three months to go before  the completion of his  10 years in the Supreme Court, its president, Aníbal Salas has criticized the ethics of his fellow judges.

In a speech for the award of a contest on training and ethics, in September, Salas claimed that the judiciary lacked ethics, were dedicated to gossip and were not promoted on merit, but by undercutting  others.

Former Supreme Court Judge  Esmeralda de Troitiño commented that the lack of a code of ethics in the judiciary makes officials "adopt behaviors inconsistent with what is expected of them."

He said that in his administration (2004-2009)  he worked on a code of ethics, which was approved but was then shelved.

Fomer judge  Edgardo Molino Mola said it is  "disappointing" to see how the judiciary  speak behind the backs of their peers and how they are more interested in extra-judicial situations than the development of their professional activity.