Achievers awaiting a phone call from Sweden

If you are a leading scientist, writer,economist or peacemaker this could be your week to achieve lasting recognition for your work.
This is the week that scientists, writers and peacemakers around the world dream about the possibility of receiving a phone call from Sweden that will change their lives.
So far a call has never been made to Panama, although William Gorgas might have been considered for his work in fighting malaria. Instead he received an honorary knighthood shortly before he died.
The call will come from the Nobel prize committee to announce the awarding of a prize worth $1.5 million and lasting fame.
The first call will be made by Goran Hansson the secretary of the Nobel Prize committee for Medicine. " When I make the call sometimes they think I'm joking," said Hansson, who will announce on Monday the first of the prizes for 2011 after he has telephoned the winners.
"I usually talk to them for some minutes," Hansson told The Associated Press . "I explain a little ceremony and I encourage them to make a coffee, take a deep breath and prepare a while before they start calling the media."
Nobel Prizes, which have been delivered every year since 1901, five recognition of contributions to medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and peace.
In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank instituted an award that is associated with the Nobel prizes, Although it is not an official Nobel Prize, its announcements and presentations are made along with the other prizes.