Baseball World Cup a chance for Panama to shine

Hosting the  The Baseball World Cup, October 1-15 will give Panama an opportunity to demonstrate how it can handle a major event say the organizers. 

Edwin Cabrera, president of the organizing committee, believes that if the public supports the championships, it will mean great things for Panama.

National teams from 16 Countries are participating in the 39th version of the event. It began with a game on Saturday between Panama and Greece after President Ricardo Martinelli, wearing a Panama baseball cap, greeted the performing teams.

The event will be held over the next 15 days and will take place in a number of venues across the country.

Four stadiums are being use, and all have been renovated. They are Rod Carew, Remon Cantera, Rico Cedeño and Omar Torrijos.

Cabrera said hosting the event will not only bring economic benefits, but will provide an opportunity for the country to become a venue for other international events.

Tickets may be purchased at Blockbuster, and special buses have been laid on for passengers heading to Rod Carew Stadium, which will also have parking at $5. 

The opening game was preceded by a concert and fireworks.