Los Faros owners facing $100,000 fine for mosquito breeding ground

The  owners of director of the failed Los Faros project in Punta Pacifica could be hit with a fine of more than $100,000 as the site has become a mosquito breeding ground.

Construction was halted in 2008, leaving a giant hole in the ground, and in the pockets of many investors. The  hole has filled with stagnant water, a beloved breeding site for mosquitoes.

The news comes as Panama recorded it’s eighth death this year  from Dengue, putting the death toll higher than the total for the previous 20 years.

Metropolitan Health Region, Director Jorge Hassan  said they had been trying to get the problem solved for  two years ago, so far without.

He said the project representatives had said that seven machines were used to remove water, but they used only one.

At the same time Hassan  called on citizens to cooperate with the elimination of dengue transmitting Aedes aegypti  mosquito breeding grounds.

He urged institutions such as the Mayor of Panama and Corregiduría to join the clean-up days to combat the mosquito.