Latin Americas first Bahai temple is in Panama

If you have driven  north of Panama City on the Transistmica Highway and noticed in the distance, high on a hill what might be taken for the upturned top of an egg  you might have wondered what it is, and why it is there.

In a city celebrated for its many  centers of worship  embracing Christianity, Buddhism and Islam you might be forgiven for not recognizing in this unique structure, a tribute to a religious leader who, over 100 years ago. prophesied that Panama would grow in importance  and become a Latin American hub. He was also the leader of a faith that propounds that the central teachings of all religions are the same.

The first Bahai temple in Latin America


Because of him, Panama became the first site for a Baha’i temple in Latin America.

The contribution that  follows was submitted by a Newsroom reader. It could  lead you not  only to another place to explore, but another view of the world and spirituality. Visitors of all faiths are welcome to explore, meditate, or pray

By Audrey Mike

Bahá’ís were told in the early twentieth century by the son of the founder of their faith, “You must give special attention to the Republic of Panama because at this point the East and the West are united through the Panama Canal and it is placed between two oceans: in the future it will gain most great importance.”

The Bahá’í Temple of Panama, completed in 1972, sits on a hill, about seven miles north  of Panama City, visible from many places around the city. Open every day, the Bahá’ís invite you to visit and enjoy the beautiful gardens that surround the Temple.  Everyone, from whatever faith, or none, is welcome to enter the Temple, this House of Worship, to sit quietly under its dome, to meditate and /or say prayers from any religious tradition.

Directions:   Seven miles north of Panama City through the iron gates (open 9am to 6pm) from Transistmica Highway (mile 8) to Cerro Sonsonate.  Phone:  231-1137.                  

The Bahá’í Faith teaches that Divine Revelation from God is the source of all the major world religions and that the central teachings of all are the same. Through the centuries, as society changes, spiritual laws of how human beings should act, especially toward one another, must also change.  Bahá’ís believe that God, through the founders of religion, about once every thousand years, updates social teachings and laws.  Bahá’ís call this “progressive revelation.”

Among the social teachings in the Bahá’í Faith are unity of God, unity of religions, unity of mankind, equality of men and women, universal education, elimination of prejudice, elimination of poverty and extreme wealth, and world peace.  Bahá’ís believe that solutions to all of the world’s problems, now and in the future, are included in the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, and that appropriate solutions can be understood by groups of people of good will consulting together.

“The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.”  –  Bahá’u’lláh

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