Sex in the city: Neighbors complained for 4 months about Obarrio playpen

 A well stocked bar, a buffet with ceviche, cheese and warm snacks, viagra, cigars and lots of girls. All the trappings for a stag party in Obarrio, Panama.

The Obarrio playpen


But the party had been going on for too long. In fact neighbors of  the three story dwelling on Calle 61,  just steps away from the Ombudsman’s office on Calle 50, had been calling the mayor’s office for four months complaining of the noise. and "goings on." 

When the raid finally arrived, at 5 p.m. on Friday all the participants,  ended up in police wagons on their way to a night court.

City  officials  found an alleged bachelor party in full swing  with several  naked "women of easy living" drinking and changing the nature of the neighborhood.

According to Calidonia magistrate Luis Morales, who directed the operation they  found the stag "farewell" involved four men and 10 women who were quick to claim high level “connections”

As they tried to escape they said they were friends of the son of President Ricardo Martinelli Another shouted that he was an adviser to the presidency and showed a card as proof. "I'll get you fired," one of of them snapped at the magistrate.

As they were led  with towels or pillowcases over their head to the waiting police vans, one yelled .At a La Prensa  photographer was threatened with a "I'll kill you."

This is a brothel right now, "Morales said and an investigation of "clandestine prostitution". Is underway.

The women, all foreign, were led to another patrol car Some tried to flee, but with high heeled shoes they didn’t get far.

 "We are  coordinating with Immigration to review their," said Reynaldo Morales, coordinator of magistrates.

A young man in sandals, bathing suit and shirt,  who spoke only English, claimed to be owner of the propertyand stayed with the police  while they searched the property.