Panama health pros tired of living on the edge

While  striking teachers were meeting with the Ministry  of Education on Friday, health professionals were demanding a response  from the Ministry of Health over their own concerns.

They protested because they have not received a reply from either the Social Security Fund or the Ministry of Health on reclassification and shifts.

Cesor Campos, coordinator of the National Guild of Professional and Technic.

al Health (Conagreprotsa), said that internationally it is recommended that health professionals work six hour  shifts "This is an international standard for people working in critical care areas, where they are in a stressful environment,"  he said on RPC Radio.

 He added that posts that have become vacant due to retirement or because  professionals have gone to other institutions, have not been filled.

Campos said that health professionals are tired of living on the edge  and asking  for improvements in the workplace and equipment.

Conagreprotsa called a meeting  of the 34 groups that form it membership to decide on their next steps.