Cost of living, judicial interference, presidential style, concern public

A “National Pulse” survey of the first two years of the Martinelli government lists the cost of living, the erosion of judicial independence and a president seen as a martinet  as major public concerns.

 The survey appears  today, July 4, in Panama’s La Prensa, and spotlights issues for which “the people will not forgive the government of Ricardo Martinelli.” 
The rising price of food and other key public services like public transporthead the list of concerns.

The National Pulse, commissioned from Unimer, presents regular surveys of  Panama’s economy, politics and institutions.
According to the latest research,the principle Martinelli  errors have been the increase in the cost of the basic food basket, followed by increasing rates of public transport in the capital and the provinces.
“For someone who was sold in  the political campaign as a successful businessman who knew how to steer the economy, even in times of crisis, this is a blow.”
Along with the price of food, people also resent the rise in the cost of transportation. In the capital. For example, fares have  increased from  $1.00 to $1.25 on corridor routes  and other routes have risen from 25 to 45 cents, a big burden on low income workers.
This does not include the paymentsto the concessionaire, who charges 64 cents a ticket. The state must pay the remaining 19 centsfrom taxpayer funds.
Martinelli’s interference in state bodies including the justice system with the  appointment of two judges to the Supreme Court, the separation from office of theAttorney General,Ana Matilde Gómez are also listed as major public concerns.