Martinelli nixes promised hold on Cinta Costera extension

In spite of commitments allegedly made by Panama’s delegates to UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee in Paris last week, President, Ricardo Martinelli, has ruled that work on the third stage of the Cinta Costera will continue.
He announced his decision on Monday, June 27, three days after the Panamanian delegation agreed that the extension from Balboa Avenue to Avenida de los Poetas would be out on hold pending submission of plans for three alternative proposals.
"There is no break in the development of the third phase of the coastal strip and the work will be built quickly" said Martinelli and laid the blame for the misintrepatation on a local newspare, without naming La Prensa.
Last week in Paris, the UNESCO Heritage Committee had produced a draft proposal to list Casco Viejo as an endangered site. The committee had called for a stoppage of work in April.
What saved the site at the last minute was the commitment of the Panamanian delegation that the work would not progress until studies were prepared in time for the next meeting in six months.
Matinelli’s response was: “We will respect what the Panamanian people want. The best interests of the Panamanian people is that we will have a better road and that's what we will do "
He also said that the connection would be by tunnel, something he had appeared to rule out in previous statements, because of the extra cost factor.
To reinforce his statements, the government suddenly began airng a television commercial using “taxi drivers”, seafood retailers and athletes to praise the coastal strip. "Bring the third phase., the chorrillera phase " said Olga Cardenas identified as an El Chorrillo”activist.”
In the meantime a group of "Chorillo activists" wearing orange shirts and bandanas, funded by an anonymousdonor marched into Casco Viejo to denounce "rabiblancos" who would deprive them of jobs if the extension was delayed, They were fired up by administration orange banners in Chorillio denouncing opponents.
But with the president;s mind made up, and the commercials running, they probably needn't have bothered.