Millionaire soccer playboys make headlines off the field

Panama football fans packed bars and restaurants 10 days ago to watch Barcelona eclipse Manchester United in the European Champions Cup final, but it’s the off the field activities of the losing players that have been making headlines since.

Ryan Giggs and his wife Stacey

Most fans in Panama were supporting the Spanish team, but there were some hardy Man U supporters, who now realize  their “heroes” have been shown to have had other things on their minds.

Man U player Ryan Giggs has been having a secret affair for eight years with his brother's wife, according to the News of the World  on Sunday, June 5.

 Natashawho married his brother Rhodri in 2010, is reported to have spilled the beans after learning recently that Ryan was alleged to have been having an affair with another woman. {jathumbnail off}

Meanwhile, Wayne Rooney, whose off the pitch sporting activities  have led like Tiger Woods, to the loss of  some major sponsors, has posted a picture of his bruised and bloody head on social networking site Twitter after admitting to having a hair transplant at the weekend. The picture, apparently taken in the back of a taxi, was accompanied by the message: "It will take a few months to grow. Still a bit bloody too.  But that's all normal." 

Rooney scored Manchester's only goal in the 3-1 shellacking by Barcelona.