President Twitters response to growing scandals

Five days after the  publication of scandals involving senior figures in his government President Ricardo Martinelli, has finally broken his silence … on  Twitter.

He wrote "There is an orchestrated campaign to destroy the credibility of the government."

In another tweet, he called it a "systematic campaign to discredit the ruling Democratic Change party and people close to the President. “They want  to accuse them of all the evil in the universe."

He did not say who “They” referred to.

Martinelli's  statements follow  accusations against the administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (PTA), Solomon Shamah, who has been linked to drug traffickers, according to confidential diplomatic cables from the United States.Emabassy and there were also challenges the Director of the National Immigration Service, María Cristina González,allegedly involved in the smuggling of Chinesepeople.

 Henry Ho   who heads urban and householdsanitation authority  he saidbecause has reportedly been   involved in a scandal for having received money from Ernesto Chonga financial consultant to  convicted criminal David Murcia Guzmán, during the presidential election campaign.