Animal Kingdom provides timely reminder of musical fund raiser

Out and about
with Dra Lourdes Quijada
Newsroom Panama doesn’t usually carry much sporting news from the outside world, so if you are wondering why we have a photo of a racehorse, it’s all about serendipity.
Next Sunday, May 15 The Cantus Panama Chorus will be presenting a unique concert, A Menagerie of Song, with a selection of music, more than ably sung by this the outstanding choral group (who by the way are always on the look our for new additions).
When I checked my email on Saturday (May 7) there was a message from Michael Cooling, the group’s active publicist, reminding me of the event, and including a map of the location, which is St Mary’s Hall at St. Mary’s Church in Balboa (on the hill behind the Balboa Union Church).
Cheek by jowl with Michael’s message was one from the New York Times, announcing that Animal Kingdom had won the Kentucky Derby. Serendipity indeed.
The concert will be beginsat 3:00 PM in the hall on the second level above the church. A $5.00 donation will be collected at the door to help fund Spay Panama’s cats and dogs sterilization program.
Among the songs will be one devoted to hippopotami and glorious mud, but a childhood favorite, The Teddy Bear’s Picnic, missed the cut. Oh well but I’m sure my husband will provide his rendering on the way back from the concert