A national heritage plundered for a tower no one wants


La Estrella de Panama, May 6


                                                              Santo Tomas Hospital Gardens, a national heritage

It has been called "The Gopher" as a way of expressing the little sympathy for  the financial tower project on Balboa Avenue on the site where the United States Embassy once stood. A project that had a bad birth without consultation with anyone, failing to get  support from any quarter and it is not yet clear how its construction will be financed. Now comes the question of  the Santo Tomas Hospital Gardens, fields that are the historical heritage of the Nation, honoring the memory of perhaps the only true statesman, that has filled the  top  office in the land. Then there are the   questions of  urban planning, height, distortion of the landscape, generating traffic on the new road from the Cinta Costera  and its potential impact on patients. There is an entire wall of arguments to review the decision. Keeping  it already seems obsessive. The healthiest thing is to stop the project and listen to the city to avoid further controversy. {jathumbnail off}