Mayor sends messenger to confirm tax increases

  From the Sidelines

One can be forgiven for wondering what has happened to Panama’s much unloved mayor Bosco Vallarino who has been out of the spotlight for weeks.

When it comes to discussion about city council issues these days it is  “unpaid advisor” Deputy Jose Isabel Blandon, whose head pops over the parapet, which has had so many  brickbats thrown at it since his worship took office nearly two years ago.

Not seen, or heard from,   one wonders if the third attribute of the three brass monkeys  has kicked in  with he and his co-conspirators not heading  the clamor in the business community.

When the mayor made his last major public appearance before  a group of angry businessmen concerned about municipal tax increases, he  refused to listen to questions, as he had “a plane to catch” and clutching his notes, headed for the door, only to find time to turn on they mayoralty charm for a group of waiting journalists.

Today, on Telemetro report, Blandon,  the power in front of the throne  said the new city taxes, approved last week, achieved a 95% consensus, the percentage presumably referring to the members of the council.

Businessmen are still deeply concerned about the effects of the taxes on businesses and inflation.
Th new agreement for reorganizing the tax system of Panama, was approved by city council on April 19
Blandon acknowledged that  one of the points where no agreement was reached was about  a further increase in January 2013. He said that during the debate it was  agreed that it could be reciew said it could be reviewed later.
Blandon said that all money raised will go to the construction of sidewalks, parks, retail, among others. 
The  new  tax takes effect from July 1. Look forward to yet another rise in menu prices at your favorite restaurant and the closing of doors at others. But eating at home will also be more expensive as businesses pass on their latest overheads.

“Paradise” is becoming more expensive, even for rich men, as camels struggle through the eye of the needle.