Bus passengers block highway 13 arrested.

Passengers lining up to go to work by bus on Friday, blocked the Corredor Sur when the Transport Authority (ATTT) decided to enforce rules banning old buses after their owners had been compensated.
Police used tear gas to cleat the highway and 13 people were arrested under the new law prohibiting the blocking of roads.
The protests were fired by a shortage of buses. The owners of Corredor Sur buses had been paid up to $35,000 dollars to pulll their buses out of the system, and were given until March 31 to turn in their old buses. But some decided to give themselves a bonus, until the ATTT stepped in
Owners and drivers of the diablos rojos were also involved in the protests, raising suspicions among some that the “spontaneous” demonstrations were pre-planned.
Meanwhile the closure delayed hundreds of workers traveling from Panama city by car and Metro bus.