The positive value of Church Crones

View from a Pew
By Sue Robbins
At the core of most churches – deep at the center of the church’s life and work – usually stands a group of older women whose families are raised and who are mostly retired from paid work.
These are generally women of accomplished pasts with still-great energy; and their offspring and spouses tend to be grateful (relieved) that they apply so much of that energy to the church: “You go, Mom. The church needs you!”
And it really does. We were reminded of the importance of “The Church Crones” a couple of weeks back when the mother of one of our young families called early one morning with horrible stomach pain. Her son was home sick from school, and her husband was on a business trip outside the country. Help was needed!
The Church Crones instantly sprang into action and drove over to the home. Mother M. (gently) threw our young mother into the car and took her to the hospital, while Sister S. stayed with her sick son, made a big pot of chicken soup and bowl of Jell-O, and called the husband, who arranged for an evening flight home. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Mother M. nudged the process along. (At one point, they had four doctors on the case!) Tests were ordered, one, two three; and by mid-afternoon, we had a diagnosis and a treatment plan.
Happily, our young mother was home by dinnertime. The medical problem was treated on an out-patient basis with medication and a new diet (that included chicken soup and Jell-O!), and her pain was (mostly) gone. She would quickly heal and get back to doing the most important work of life: raising our children and holding the young family together.
The Apostle Paul writes how each of us – with our individual gifts and talents – forms together the Body of Christ and how every part of the body is vitally important to the healthy whole. Yes, we Church Crones have saggy skin and wrinkly eyes (especially pronounced when we laugh), but we are part of the ligature that supports the blood and bones of life. Call us! We’re here to help!