Panama last in region for sex education

Although children as young as 10 are contracting the HIV/AIDS virus, and teenage pregnancies continue to rise, Panama ranks last in terms of sex education.


The country's  progress in the education area is listed as 0.

The conclusion comes from a study  conducted by the Mesoamerican Coalition for Integral Education in Sexuality.

The survey ranks the progress countries have made in the areas of sexual and reproductive health. Panama (last in education) came sixth out of eight.

Guatemala ranked first followed by Peru, Mexico and Nicaragua. Panama trailed Costa Rica but was ranked ahead of El Salvador and Honduras.

Coalition President José Angel Aguilar said that, education is one of the key instruments to combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic "Panama is behind in the theme of sexuality in the schools."

A sensuality exhibition will be running in Atlapa September 28-October 1.