Head of team to “get Attorney General” resigns constitutional post

Another presidential appointee bit the dust on Friday after newspaper revelations alleged that he headed a conspiracy by a legal cabal to get rid of Panama’s former Attorney General.
Former Ombudsman Ítalo Antinori, recently anointed as coordinator of the Constitutional Reform Commission established by President Ricardo Martinelli, announced his resignation after allegations that he conspired to have former Attorney General Ana Matilde Gómez removed from office. {jathumbnail off}
Antinori said Friday March 25, that he was resigning to protect himself and his family from further problems related to the allegations.
There have been calls from many sources including the the Citizens Alliance Vice Minister of Commerce, Ricardo Quijano and the PRD for an inquiry by the National Assembly into Antinori and Judge José Abel Almengor, of conspiring against the former prosecutor.
Initially Martinelli said he was unaware of he allegations and Italo Antinori would continue to lead the constitutional reforms.
Details of the plot and emails between the alleged conspirators were published in La Estrella. .
The revelations, which read like a Hollywood conspiracy moveie about a group which had named itself PAMAGO, came from jurist Zulay Rodríguez who had been privy to the early discussions.
In a message to La Estrella the group claimed that her motives for attacking Judge José Abel Almengor Judge Echeverria and Italo Antinori, were personal
But Rodriguez told Estrella, that the information he had provided on the intrigue was “only an excerpt of all the information I have, .. which I will only say in court.” She even reported having received threats for exposing the "tamal",(intrigue) which has led her to change phone numbers every two weeks.
The departure of Ana Matilde Gomez from the Public Ministry [and a subsequent jail sentence] has reopened a crisis that continues to deepen. Says Estrella,
Her replacement, Giuseppe Bonissi, was forced to resign amid a scandal which revealed the penetration of drug trafficking in Panama’s justice system
The newspaper El Pais in Spain published a few weeks ago a cable 2009 that former U.S. ambassador Barbara Stephenson said "The excessive concentration of power in the hands of one man (Martinelli) and reports on its judicial intimidation are cause for concern regarding the stability of democratic institutions in Panama in the medium term. " In another cable: "The president Martinelli, frustrated by what he sees as intransigence, is influencing judges of the Supreme Court to orchestrate her removal," said Stephenson.
In the midst of this, said Estrella the president decided to move towards constitutional reform. an idea that the executive had been studying since April 2010. It was not until last week when he decided to put his foot on the gas and appointed Italo Antinori. 'because of its proven experience in constitutional issues and his work as the first Ombudsman in Panama.
“The idea of ??giving life to a group of "enemies" of Ana Matilde was Antinoris” said Esrtella. The group was dubbed "Harmed by Ana Matilde Gomez ('PAMAGO.)
Antinori’s mini committee first met “in the Presidency, in the Public Relations office next to the Palace of the Herons. He was accompanied by Alfredo Prieto, then a government official, Zulay Rodriguez, and the brand new Judge of the Supreme Court, José Abel Almengor who had once worked in the office of Gomez, and was a controversial pick of Martinelli for the Supreme Court.
Sources told Estrella that during the meeting, the judge held real-time communication with the president, Ricardo Martinelli, through his blackberry.
They tried to imagine the defense strategy of Gomez and the type of response should take.They discussed who could defend her, civil society, journalists, media managers, and what were their weaknesses. After studying the situation, they decided to call the first plenary meeting of PAMAGO.
Zulay Rodriguez, a member of the Association confirms the research of The Star. 'I know I can get in trouble for telling this, but all true. I am willing to testify before an independent tribunal …
“The first meeting was in the Jade restaurant on January 20, 2010 and Antinori, presented, a document detailing the steps to get Ana Matilde. There also assessed the appointment of new deputies in the Attorney General's Office, and actions that would be taken by the defense attorney. 'For the information of all members in the attachment of this mail, I extend the so-called "Constitutional Route Dr. Antinori" which is the proposal I made on the steps legal / constitutional should be given for the separation of Attorney . Believe me I have studied all possible scenarios and this is the least problematic. We can exchange opinions, clarifications, doubts and questions at the next meeting on Wednesday January 27. … [they must be handled] with strict confidentiality because to let someone else see this proposal and for it come into adverse hands would be like giving ammunition to the enemy.
“The document states that the first thing was to appoint deputies in the Cabinet, based on Article 200 of the Constitution. Then send their nominations to the National Assembly for ratification, possessions and publish their appointments in the Official Gazette. After completing the first four steps, kick in the Supreme Court firing the then Attorney General. The note ends with a recommendation that the full Court act quickly, through an 'extraordinary and urgent to make the decision. "
Estrella published more detailed accounts or emails from Antinori to the 10 “founding members” in which he mentioned a “ safe place to meet” … “We are alone in this struggle and we have no other support. But we can not in any way, stop fighting or battling to the end for this cause. "…
“Antinori evaluated the movements of those who defended Gómez whom he considered the 'enemy'. The list included the lawy professor Miguel Antonio Bernal, and former ombudsman Juan Antonio Tejada and in one of his posts made no secret of the low valuation of Elijah Ruben Rodriguez, chairman of the National Bar Association. 'As you all know, I have the worst concepts of that person, a pawn of the oligarchy. "
“He declined an invitation that to a radio forum on the administration of justice, seeing it as a 'minefield prepared by the enemy to break one into pieces. "
“With the departure of Gomez and Guiseppi Bonissi designated as her replacement, the group had achieved its purpose. And on February 7 2010 Antinori to dissolve it and wrote:
“PAMAGO Group was formed with the aim to fight and show that Attorney . Ana Matilde Gómez Ruiloba had committed a crime. I believe that the main objective has been achieved and that Atty. Bonissi, being appointed Attorney in Charge, have a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate and do a good job for the benefit of society. Therefore, in the particular and want to thank you personally, to each of you the attention you dispensed to my emails and my opinions. That said, I believe that there is no reason why the group still exists as such, since the objectives have been met. For that reason and therefore, I conclude my participation in the group and therefore my e-mail communications PAMAGO group.
“Ana Matilde Gomez, the main target, says the information will only confirm my complaints.'There was a plot that was arranged and orchestrated by the presidency through José Abel Almengor. It is how they handle civil society members and the concern expressed by the former U.S. ambassador Barbara Stephenson of the danger in that is the country's institutions.' "
A victory party was held at the house of a government executive, and attended by Bonissi and Supreme Court Judges