New accident report law heading for postponment

If you are still trying to figure out where to get the accident report forms that by law you will have to carry in your car on February 1, relax.

The head of Panama’s transportation authority ( ATTT) announced on Saturday (Januaryl 29), that on Monday, (January 31) he will be submitting a request for the postponement of the measures governing minor accidents.

Jorge Ricardo Fabrega said that  he had, received a letter from the Panamanian Association of Insurers, requesting "certain adjustments"  to the rules and aksd for  to allow them to be well prepared for the new standards.
The request will will be directed to the Minister of Government, Roxana Mendez, who must then connect with President Ricardo Martinelli.
Fabrega once again reiterated that the initiative was good and was one of the elements that "we are taking to reduce the effects of traffic jams during periods of Government construction.
According to new lae, any driver involved in a minor accident must complete an accident report on the spot and the vehicle’s involved have to be moved immediately to avoid traffic congestion.